Julia Ross

The Craving Cure

Aired On: September 2, 2022

Episode Description

Bestselling author and nutritional therapy expert, Julie Ross shares her strategy that has successfully helped thousands of overeaters at her clinics. She uses nutrients called amino acids to quickly restore natural appetite control and eradicate cravings for sugar, chips and pasta. With more than thirty years’ experience in the eating disorders and addiction fields, she understands why most of us can’t stick to a healthy diet. Our favourite treats are engineered to be addictive. Julia presents the truth on how we have been hooked to consume addictive foods and tells how we can eliminate our compulsions where they start — in the brain. She uses amino acids to combat cravings and presents methods for determining which amino acids would be effective. She provides step by step instructions and provides customized plans with tracking tools and recipes.

The Craving Cure with Julia Ross

Book: The Craving Cure

Email: info@cravingscure.com

website: JuliaRossCures.com

juliaRoss youtube channel

Julia Ross has a virtual clinic

  • We have to take proactive measures for optimal health including diet, exercise, avoiding toxins, good sleep and managing stress
  • Our current diet is 50 % nutrient void, and foods have drug like affects that diminish our ability to control our food and mood.
  • The diet shifted in the 1970s with the advent of junk foods
    • Our diets shifted away from traditional foods
    • In the 1950’s we started eating sugary cold cereals but were eating three meals per day
      • Our health and moods were infinitely better than now
      • Fructose was invented and put in food, is ten times as addictive as glucose
  • What do we do about cravings?
    • Robert Lustig, MD states that corporations design products to create addictions and the government enables corporations to do so.
    • We have been carefully designed to be exposed to drug-like foods.
    • Degenerative diseases and obesity have spread worldwide: these are traced to our diet created by the junk food industry
    • The junk food industry has been purchased by the tobacco industry since the 1960s
    • This junk food has affected our brains creating addictions: we have lost our normal appetite because of it. These foods alter our brain chemistry
    • This is biochemical victimization
    • The CEO of a large children’s cereal company told her that they se damaged starches to create cute shapes, , damaged oils that are inexpensive, they increase the amount of sugar on a well thought out schedule and they market heavily to children
  • This problem became worse with covid and home restrictions.
  • The blood sugar levels in the brain are easily disturbed
  • If we stopped cravings, and had a sweet, cravings can start all over again

Her approach to combating cravings

  • With her approach, the cravings for toxic foods are corrected within 5 minutes with amino acids
  • Amino acids are constituents of protein
    • Are 20 amino acids
    • Can convert into glucose
    • Create every cell in the body
    • Also, fat, water, and glucose are needed
    • Use in brain
      • There are 4 neurotransmitters which can be corrected by an amino acid within 5 minutes
    • These are readily available for purchase
  • She identifies which part of brain is deficient via a questionnaire based on neuroscience
    • By identifying part of brain affected, she gives the appropriate amino acid which corrects the deficiency in minutes
    • These amino acids only need to be taken for a short period of time
    • Then the diet naturally becomes healthful again
  • She breaks down junk food cravings categories to depressed, crashed, comfort , stressed, and fatigued
    • Her questionnaire is on her website and is in her books
    • Comfort craver
      • Endorphin function is reduced
      • Does not get pleasure, joy and fun out of live
      • Symptoms: Sensitive, tear up easily, food is their best friend
      • They get an endorphin high from eating these foods.
      • Two options. D alanine
    • Depressed craver.
      • Low serotonin
        • Easiest neurotransmitter to not get enough of in diet
        • Vegetarian and vegan diets are void in serotonin
        • Vegan protein powders are void of serotonin and tryptophan.
      • Symptoms: Tearful, worried, obsessive, glass is half empty, pessimistic, negative, fearful, crave carbs in late afternoon and evenings
      • cravings are worse at end of day because serotonin decreases over the day by converting to melatonin for night
      • Serotonin is good for mood, appetite, craving, sleep
      • Options. Tryptophan, 5 HTP
        • Both are precursors to serotonin
        • Take in late afternoon when cravings are worst.
        • Both take effect quickly
        • Available in supplement stores
    • Stressed craver
      • Stress is relieved immediately by eating
      • Symptoms easily alarmed, chronically stressed, difficult to relax, tension in shoulders and neck
        • 70 % stressed overeat
        • 30 % of stressed are so stressed, they eat less
      • GABA is natural tranquilizer (gamma butyric amino acid)
        • Suppresses adrenaline allowing us to relax both physically and mentally
        • Is an amino acid as well as a neurotransmitter
        • Does not need to be converted
        • Sublingual is best as it is absorbed and goes straight to brain
      • Helps with stress which has increased over decades
      • WHO before covid said that stress was 2nd or 3rd cause of work disability
    • Fatigued craver
      • Energy drags particularly mentally
      • Caffeine and chocolate are involved
      • Use tyrosine, helps   cravings for caffeine and chocolate disappear
        • Chocolate and caffeine can stimulate endorphins
        • Caffeine stimulates dopamine and epinephrine
        • Tyrosine converts to dopamine and epinephrine
      • Caffeine
        • Raises blood sugar which then crashes
        • Should take caffeine with meal (or butter and MCTs?)
    • Crashed craver
      • A person who becomes hypoglycemic
        • Stressed, hard to focus, have headache
        • Most go to sugar which rises quickly causing insulin to increase
        • The brain is particularly vulnerable to low glucose as brain has no ability to store glucose
      • When hypoglycemic, crave sweets
      • Use glutamine as it can convert to exactly the amount of glucose needed
        • Typically take glutamine three times per day
        • Can carry glutamine as rescue when glucose levels drop too low

Sugar addictive

  • French study found sugar to be twice as addictive as cocaine
  • Saccharine is as just as addictive
  • Fructose is ten times as addictive as glucose
  • Agave syrup higher in fructose than corn syrup
  • Fruit syrups are high in fructose
  • Apple juice and pear juice are high in fructose

Artificial sweeteners

  • Sucralose was originally an insecticide – a neurotoxin aspartane is a neurotoxin
  • FDA was not going to approve it until Donald Rumsfield was paid to get the FDA to approve aspartame
  • Stevia. She is not aware of research on stevia’ affect on the brain

Wheat /gluten

  • We cannot totally digest gluten which means undigested proteins enter the blood stream engendering a n ultimate immune response
  • Gluten (gluteomorphin a component of gluten) plugs into endorphin receptor sites resulting in a brief pleasurable experience resulting in wanting more
  • Use phenylalanine to counteract this addiction
  • Gluten free products cause the same kinds of degenerative diseases


  • Milk Protein caseomorphin
  • Also plugs into endorphin levels resulting in a temporary high
  • Low fat milk worse
    • Where take out fat, sugars and milk proteins are more concentrated
  • A 2 milk
    • Not an addiction detail,, but she has not observed wehter it made a difference
  • Raw milk
    • Still addicted, but has superior health benefits
  • Use phenylalanine